CIM Schema Release Notes

This document describes the changes that have been incorporated into the CIM Schema Version release.

The experimental ZIP file contains entities that were approved for the CIM Schema Version that did not have sufficient implementation experience to be taken Final. The final ZIP file contains entities that have at least two independent implementations. Entities that are designated as final cannot be changed in a backward incompatible way between minor version releases.

Copyright (c) 2008 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). All rights reserved.

DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability. Members and non-members may reproduce DMTF specifications and documents for uses consistent with this purpose, provided that correct attribution is given. As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time, the particular version and release date should always be noted.

Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes no representations to users of the standard as to the existence of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or identify any such third party patent rights, or for such partys reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product, protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner for such implementations.

For information about patents held by third-parties which have notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit

Contributions to the CIM schema have been provided through the DMTF Alliance Partnerships with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), the Open Grid Forum (OGF) and the Printer Work Group (a Program of the IEEE-ISTO).


To install the CIM Schema:

  1. Download the ZIP files from the DMTF CIM standards page ( The ZIP files can be found under the "CIM Schema and Specifications" section. The release contains both the experimental and final CIM Schemas.
  2. These files contain all the MOF files that are part of the CIM schema. The experimental ZIP file contains the latest experimental schema. This schema may change in a backward incompatible way based on implementation experience. The final ZIP file contains just the portions of the schema that is in a final state.

    These files contain a rendering of the CIM schema in XML into a single file.

    These files contain a rendering of the CIM schema in XML into individual files, one file per entity.

    These files contain a rendering of the CIM schema in XSD into individual files, one file per entity.

    These files contain a rendering of the CIM schema in HTML format.

    These files contain a comparison of the differences in the CIM schema rendered in HTML format. The files contain the differences between Final and Experimental, and the prior releease Experimental and and the prior release Final respectively.

    These files contain the UML representations of the CIM schema in Visio format.

  3. Unzip the downloaded files. Please be aware that the MOFs will be expanded into the directory that you specify. Subdirectories are created for each separate model area.

Schema Changes


The following changes were applied to Final

Class (File) Change Request Description
Core/CIM_OwningCollectionElement.mof CIMCoreCR01075 Take CIM_OwningCollectionElement Final
Core/CIM_RedundancySet.mof CIMCoreCR01033 CIMCoreCR01033: Clarify that 'N+1' may be used to represent 'N+M'
Core/CIM_SoftwareIdentity.mof CIMCoreCR01076 CIMCoreCR01076:Take CIM_SoftwareIdentity Properties Final
Device/CIM_AssociatedComponentExtent.mof CIMCoreCR01035 Implementation experience for CIM_AssociatedComponentExtent
Device/CIM_AssociatedRemainingExtent CIMCoreCR01036 CIMCoreCR01036: Implementation experience for CIM_AssociatedRemainingExtent
Device/CIM_Printer.mof CIMCoreCR01073-1 CIMCoreCR01073-1:Modify class CIM_Printer, updating properties per current printing model.
Physical/CIM_ConfigurationCapacity.mof CIMCoreCR01059 CIMCoreCR01059: Take CIM_ConfigurationCapacity properties Final
Physical/CIM_ElementInConnector.mof CIMCoreCR01055 CIMCoreCR01055: Take CIM_ElementInConnector Final
Physical/CIM_MemoryCapacity.mof CIMCoreCR01031 CIMCoreCR01031: Add new memory device types: DDR3 and FBD2.
Physical/CIM_PackageInConnector.mof CIMCoreCR01056 Change Parent of CIM_PackageInConnector
Physical/CIM_PhysicalAssetCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01057 Take CIM_PhysicalAssetCapabilities Final
Physical/CIM_PhysicalMemory.mof CIMCoreCR01050 CIMCoreCR01050: Add new memory device tycpes: DDR3 and FBD2.
Physical/CIM_PhysicalPackage.mof CIMCoreCR01058 CIMCoreCR01058: Take CIM_PhysicalPackage properties Final
Physical/CIM_Slot.mof CIMCoreCR01060 CIMCoreCR01060: Take CIM_Slot properties Final
System/CIM_Log.mof CIMCoreCR01071 Take CIM_Log.LogState property Final
User/CIM_PrivilegeManagementCapabilities.mof WIP_SECCR00022 Take PrivilegeManagementCapabilities class to final
User/CIM_Role.mof WIP_SECCR00023 Take the CIM_Role.RoleCharacteristics property to final
User/CIM_RoleBasedAuthorizationService WIP_SECCR00024 Take RoleBasedAuthorization class to final
User/CIM_RoleBasedManagementCapabilities.mof WIP_SECCR00021 Take RoleBasedManagementCapabilities class to final


The following changes were applied to Experimental

Class (File) Change Request Description
Core/CIM_MemberOfPolicyCollection CIMCoreCR1072
Create new class CIM_MemberOfPolicyCollection
Core/CIM_OwningCollectionElement.mof CIMCoreCR01075 Take CIM_OwningCollectionElement Final
Core/CIM_RedundancySet.mof CIMCoreCR01033 CIMCoreCR01033: Clarify that 'N+1' may be used to represent 'N+M'
Core/CIM_SoftwareIdentity.mof CIMCoreCR01076 CIMCoreCR01076:Take CIM_SoftwareIdentity Properties Final
Device/CIM_AssociatedComponentExtent.mof CIMCoreCR01035 Implementation experience for CIM_AssociatedComponentExtent
Device/CIM_AssociatedRemainingExtent CIMCoreCR01036 CIMCoreCR01036: Implementation experience for CIM_AssociatedRemainingExtent
Device/CIM_Printer.mof CIMCoreCR01073-1 CIMCoreCR01073-1:Modify class CIM_Printer, updating properties per current printing model.
Physical/CIM_ConfigurationCapacity.mof CIMCoreCR01059 CIMCoreCR01059: Take CIM_ConfigurationCapacity properties Final
Physical/CIM_ElementInConnector.mof CIMCoreCR01055 CIMCoreCR01055: Take CIM_ElementInConnector Final
Physical/CIM_MemoryCapacity.mof CIMCoreCR01031 CIMCoreCR01031: Add new memory device types: DDR3 and FBD2.
Physical/CIM_PackageInConnector.mof CIMCoreCR01056 Change Parent of CIM_PackageInConnector
Physical/CIM_PhysicalAssetCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01057 Take CIM_PhysicalAssetCapabilities Final
Physical/CIM_PhysicalMemory.mof CIMCoreCR01050 CIMCoreCR01050: Add new memory device tycpes: DDR3 and FBD2.
Physical/CIM_PhysicalPackage.mof CIMCoreCR01058 CIMCoreCR01058: Take CIM_PhysicalPackage properties Final
Physical/CIM_Slot.mof CIMCoreCR01060 CIMCoreCR01060: Take CIM_Slot properties Final
System/CIM_Log.mof CIMCoreCR01071 Take CIM_Log.LogState property Final
User/CIM_PrivilegeManagementCapabilities.mof WIP_SECCR00022 Take PrivilegeManagementCapabilities class to final
User/CIM_Role.mof WIP_SECCR00023 Take the CIM_Role.RoleCharacteristics property to final
User/CIM_RoleBasedAuthorizationService WIP_SECCR00024 Take RoleBasedAuthorization class to final
User/CIM_RoleBasedManagementCapabilities.mof WIP_SECCR00021 Take RoleBasedManagementCapabilities class to final
CIM_PrintInterlock.mof CIMCoreCR01030 Add class CIM_PrintInterlock to enhanced printer device model. 
Core/CIM_OpaqueManagementData.mof CIMCoreCR00986 Add new class CIM_OpaqueManagementData
Core/CIM_OpaqueManagementDataCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01040 CIMCoreCR01040: Add class CIM_OpaqueManagementDataCapabilities to Core model.
Core/CIM_OpaqueManagementDataService.mof CIMCoreCR00987 Add class CIM_OpaqueManagementDataService to Core model.
Core/CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint.mof CIMCoreCR01052 CIMCoreCR01052: Add representation of remote NTP Service
Core/CIM_ServiceAffectsElementWithQuota.mof CIMCoreCR00989 Add class CIM_ServiceAffectsElementWithQuota to Core model
Device/CIM_AsymmetricAccessibility.mof CIMCoreCR01067 CIMCoreCR01067:Add class CIM_AsymmetricAccessibility to provide asymmetric access functionality for storage servers
Device/CIM_PowerAllocationSettingData.mof CIMCoreCR00951 Add PowerAllocationSettingData
Device/CIM_PrintMarker.mof CIMCoreCR01074 Add three properties to class CIM_PrintMarker
Device/CIM_Printer.mof CIMCoreCR01073-2 CIMCoreCR01073-2:Modify class CIM_Printer, updating properties per current printing model.
Device/CIM_Sensor.mof CIMCoreCR00985 Add structured SensorContext property
Device/CIM_SerialPort.mof CIMCoreCR00932 Creation of CIM_SerialPort class
Device/CIM_StorageConfigurationCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01069 CIMCoreCR01069:Modify class CIM_StorageConfigurationCapabilities to support re-assignment of storage resource affinity to Storage Processors
Device/CIM_StorageConfigurationService.mof CIMCoreCR01070 CIMCoreCR01070:Modify class CIM_StorageConfigurationService to support re-assignment of storage resource affinity to Storage Processors.
Device/CIM_StorageProcessorAffinity.mof CIMCoreCR01066 CIMCoreCR01066:Add class CIM_StorageProcessorAffinity to provide asymmetric access functionality for storage servers
Device/CIM_StorageResourceLoadGroup.mof CIMCoreCR01064 CIMCoreCR01064:Add class CIM_StorageResourceLoadGroup to provide asymmetric access functionality for storage servers
Device/CIM_StorageServerAsymmetryCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01063 CIMCoreCR01063: Add class CIM_StorageServerAsymmetryCapabilities to provide asymmetric access functionality for storage servers
Device/CIM_TargetPortGroup.mof CIMCoreCR01065 CIMCoreCR01065:Add class CIM_TargetPortGroup to provide asymmetric access functionality for storage servers
Device/CIM_WiFiPort.mof CIMCoreCR01016 Addition of class CIM_WiFiPort
Device/CIM_WiFiPortCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01025 Add class CIM_WiFiPortCapabilities
Device\CIM_WiFiPortConfigurationService.mof CIMCoreCR01053 CIMCoreCR01053: Add class CIM_WiFiPortConfigurationService
Device\CIM_WiFiRadio.mof CIMCoreCR01018 Add class CIM_WiFiRadio
Includes/ CIMCoreCR01027 CIMCoreCR01027: Add new processor family value: AMD Phenom Triple-Core Processor
Network/CIM_IEEE8021xCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01024 CIMCoreCR01024: Add class CIM_IEEE8021xCapabilities
Network/CIM_IEEE8021xSettings.mof CIMCoreCR01023 Add class CIM_IEEE8021xSettings
Network/CIM_MediaRedirectionCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01029 Add new CIM_MediaRedirectionCapabilities class
Network/CIM_MediaRedirectionSAP.mof CIMCoreCR01028 CIMCoreCR01028: Add new CIM_MediaRedirectionSAP class
Network/CIM_WiFiEndpointCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01034 Add class CIM_WiFiEndpointCapabilities
Network/CIM_WiFiEndpointSettings.mof CIMCoreCR01022 Add class CIM_WiFiEndpointSettings
System/CIM_BIOSService.mof CIMCoreCR1007 CIMCoreCR1007: Rework BootService CreateBootConfigSetting() and SetBootConfigRole() methods
System/CIM_BIOSService.mof CIMCoreCR01000 CIMCoreCR01000: Add raw read/write methods to BIOSService class
System/CIM_BootConfigSetting.mof CIMCoreCR01039 CIMCoreCR01039: Fix typo in CIM_BootConfigSetting
System/CIM_BootServiceCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR01008 CIMCoreCR01008: Add "State" setting data option to BootServiceCapabilities
User/CIM_Account.mof WIP_SECCR00002 Add password encryption properties to CIM_Account
User/CIM_AccountManagementCapabilities.mof WIP_SECCR00003 Add password encryption properties to CIM_AccountManagementCapabilities
User/CIM_CertificateManagementCapabilities.mof WIP_SECCR00010 Add CIM_CertificateManagementCapabilities for capabilities of CIM_CertificateManagmentService.
User/CIM_CertificateManagementService.mof WIP_SECCR0008 Add CertificateManagementService class to manage certificates using the introduced methods.
User/CIM_KeyBasedCredentialManagementService.mof WIP_SECCR00019 WIP_SECCR00019: Add KeyBasedCredentialManagementService class.
core/CIM_PowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities.mof CIMCoreCR00979 Add PowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities
core/CIM_PowerUtilizationManagementService.mof CIMCoreCR00952 Add PowerUtilizationManagementService