Recent News

27 Jul 10

DMTF Releases New Open Cloud Standards Incubator Documents; Announces Workgroup Formation

PORTLAND, Ore. – July 26, 2010 – Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF), the organization bringing the IT industry together to collaborate on systems management standards development, validation, promotion and adoption, today announced the availability of two new documents produced by its Open Cloud Standards Incubator. The documents – “Use Cases and Interactions for Managing Clouds,” and “Architecture for Managing Clouds” – will form the foundation for DMTF’s ongoing cloud standards work. In addition, DMTF has also launched the Cloud Management Workgroup (CMWG), to develop cloud management standards based on the recommendations outlined in the Incubator documents.

23 May 10

Common Information Model (CIM) Schema: Version 2.25.0 Released

A number of enhancements and additions are introduced throughout the Schema, including ongoing improvements to support product and alliance partners and to support DMTF Profiles and Management Initiatives. Examples include updates to BIOS, printers, standard messages, operating system state, modern power management paradigms, virtualization and security.
23 May 10

Message from the Chairman: The DMTF Board of Directors - Keeping Pace with the Industry

The Board just finished the budget for FY2010 and is working to determine funding for Initiatives, which expand the reach of the organization in the areas members determine the most valuable.
