Recent News

8 Aug 12

Check out DMTF Alliance Partner ODCA’s Solution Provider Summit!

The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) will host a Solutions Summit, September 10, 2012 at the Intercontinental Hotel in San Francisco and all DMTF members are invited!

25 Jul 12

DMTF 2012 Officers

The DMTF Board of Directors has appointed officers for the term beginning August 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.  The Board also created a new position of vice president of regional chapters designed to help facilitate the growth of the DMTF’s global outreach.

23 Jul 12

ODCA Forecast Video Sessions Now Available

DMTF attended the Open Data Center Alliance’s Forecast 2012, “Shaping the Future of Cloud Computing” last month in New York.  Forecast 2012’s main sessions were livecasted and the videos are now available.

17 Jul 12

VMworld 2012: Education. Collaboration. Networking.

Attend VMworld 2012 for an exceptional education opportunity for IT professionals. Join DMTF at the event for an outstanding program of Sessions and Labs this year, with more than 300 unique Breakout Sessions and Hands-on Lab topics offered across four days.

11 Jul 12

DMTF Releases Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) Use Case Whitepaper as Work-In-Progress

DMTF’s Cloud Auditing Data Federation Working Group (CADF) recently released its whitepaper, Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) Use Case Whitepaper as a Work-In-Progress.

9 Jul 12

DMTF Announces Partnership with Global Inter-Cloud Technology Forum (GICTF) for Cloud Management

DMTF has announced that it is partnering with the Global Inter-Cloud Technology Forum (GICTF) to collaborate on the development and adoption of cloud management standards.

22 Jun 12

Software Licensing Management Whitepaper Is Now Available

DMTF’s Software Licensing Management Incubator recently released its white paper, Software Identification and Entitlement Usage Metrics. This white paper describes a representative set of use cases for cloud, data center, virtualization, and on-premise needs.

13 Jun 12

Join DMTF at VMworld 2012

Don’t miss DMTF at VMworld 2012, August 26-30 in San Francisco, CA. If you are looking to spend less time and money supporting underlying IT infrastructure and more time on areas that yield business and competitive value, then be sure to attend for education, collaboration and networking.

4 Jun 12

DMTF's VMAN Standard Achieves ANSI Adoption

DMTF’s Virtualization Management (VMAN) Virtualization Profiles have been adopted as an American National Standard Institute (ANSI) International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) standard.

31 May 12

DMTF President to Present at the NIST Cloud Computing Forum & Workshop V

Join DMTF at the National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST) Cloud Computing Forum & Workshop V on June 5-7, 2012 at the Department of Commerce’s Herbert C. Hoover Building in Washington, D.C.
