Recent News
BrightTALK Panel Now Available for Download: Virtualization to Private Cloud
DMTF recently particpated in a BrightTALK webinar titled “Virtualization to Private Cloud: Taking the Next Step.”
DMTF to Present at SNIA Japan Forum
DMTF’s Japanese Subcommittee will be participating at the SNIA Japan Forum 10th Anniversary Event on November 30, 2012. At this event, DMTF will be presenting a lecture titled “Cloud Computing Standardization Progress and Trends.”
BrightTALK Panel Now Available for Download: The State of Global Cloud Standards
DMTF and various global industry organizations recently participated in a free, 60-minute roundtable discussion on the current state of cloud computing standards.
DMTF to Participate in Tokyo’s ITPro Expo Cloud Days 2012
DMTF’s Japanese Subcommittee will be participating in the ITPro Expo Cloud Days 2012, one of the largest cloud events in Japan with more than 60,000 participants. This event will explore how the Cloud is rapidly becoming the foundation of corporate IT system, as many companies are taking advantage of the scalability and flexibility that the cloud provides.
Join DMTF at the Storage Developers Conference!
If you’re a developer, architect, engineer, product/program manager, and/or a DMTF member, SNIA’s 2012 Storage Developer Conference (SDC) has an agenda focused on the technology that’s most important to you including Big Data Storage and Management, New Fundamental Data, Storage and Device Technologies, Storage Workloads Generated by Apps/Hypervisors/Operating Systems, Solid State Storage, Storage for Virtual Platforms, Cloud Storage and much more.
Check out DMTF Alliance Partner ODCA’s Solution Provider Summit!
The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) will host a Solutions Summit, September 10, 2012 at the Intercontinental Hotel in San Francisco and all DMTF members are invited!
DMTF 2012 Officers
The DMTF Board of Directors has appointed officers for the term beginning August 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. The Board also created a new position of vice president of regional chapters designed to help facilitate the growth of the DMTF’s global outreach.
ODCA Forecast Video Sessions Now Available
DMTF attended the Open Data Center Alliance’s Forecast 2012, “Shaping the Future of Cloud Computing” last month in New York. Forecast 2012’s main sessions were livecasted and the videos are now available.
VMworld 2012: Education. Collaboration. Networking.
Attend VMworld 2012 for an exceptional education opportunity for IT professionals. Join DMTF at the event for an outstanding program of Sessions and Labs this year, with more than 300 unique Breakout Sessions and Hands-on Lab topics offered across four days.
DMTF Releases Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) Use Case Whitepaper as Work-In-Progress
DMTF’s Cloud Auditing Data Federation Working Group (CADF) recently released its whitepaper, Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) Use Case Whitepaper as a Work-In-Progress.