BrightTALK Virtualization Simplicity at Scale Summit

March 25, 2010

Virtualization’s promise to cut costs, increase business agility, and reduce carbon footprints is often threatened when organizations begin to deploy a large number of VMs. In other words, going from 10 VMs to 100s of VMs may turn virtualization’s money-saving benefits into a money-losing proposition unless achieving scale with virtualization is done properly. This summit will present the latest innovations and best practices for achieving agility, simplicity, and business value through server virtualization environments. Presenters will cover the benefits of network-attached storage (NAS), storage management solutions, and guidelines for efficiency and ROI.

Key Presenters:

  • Winston Bumpus, DMTF
  • Curtis Walters, Accunet
  • Terri McClure, Enterprise Strategy Group
  • Shai Harmelin, Isilon
  • Simon Robinson, The 451 Group

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Title:  Simplifying Virtualization Management and Preparing for the Cloud

Abstract:  As organizations look to maximize investments in the heterogeneous data center, the issue of vendor interoperability comes to the fore. Capitalizing on multi-vendor industry standards is at the heart of efficiencies that can be achieved in the new cloud computing model. A standards-based approach to IT management can lead to increased flexibility and reduced costs. This session will address the increased simplicity that can be achieved in a multi-vendor environment, and explain how the DMTF's Virtualization Management Initiative (VMAN) and standards including the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) and the Virtualization Management Profiles address these issues and ease the transition to the emerging cloud computing paradigm.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010