DMTF In the News

Open Management Interface (OMI) – Open-Source Implementation of DMTF CIM/WBEM Standards Port 25 29 Jun 2012
Why the Alphabet Soup of Cloud Monitoring Standards Matters The CA Cloud Storm Chasers (blog) 20 Jun 2012
Cloud APIs - Extending SOA and Web 2.0 Architectures TechWorld 9 May 2012
Why Open Source Is the Key to Cloud Innovation CIO 16 Apr 2012
PureSystems, Something Old, Something New, Something from Big Blue SYS-CON Media 13 Apr 2012
The State of Cloud Standards Information Management 10 Feb 2012
One Year On ZDNet 20 Dec 2011
How I Did with My 2011 Cloud Predictions CNET 7 Dec 2011
5 Ways to Benefit from NIST's Cloud Road Map Now Government Computer News 2 Dec 2011
ODCA & DMTF Collaborate to Make Customer Usage Models a Reality eWEEK Labs 29 Nov 2011
Skytap Cloud Adds Open Virtualization Support Data Center Knowledge 16 Nov 2011
IaaS Enters Adolescence eWEEK 15 Nov 2011
ODCA: Enterprise Cloud Adoption Accelerating Data Center Knowledge 9 Nov 2011
Study: Cloud Deployments to Triple Cloud IT Pro 9 Nov 2011
Infrastructure Alliance Inflates Cloud Prospects CloudPro 7 Nov 2011
Public and Private Sector Orgs Work on Interoperability Standards for Cloud CivSource 4 Nov 2011
Two Standards Groups Team Up to Simplify Cloud Management Government Computer News 3 Nov 2011
Cloud Wars: Why History Will Repeat Itself SYS-CON Media 24 Oct 2011
Look to Open Virtualization Format for managing cloud computing workloads Search SOA 1 Sep 2011
Two cloud standards adopted by ISO/IEC Continuity Central 1 Sep 2011
