DMTF releases PLDM File Transfer Specification 1.0 and updates to other PLDM Specifications

Posted on Tue, 08/27/2024 - 08:38

DMTF recently announced the public availability of its Platform Level Data Model (PLDM) for File Transfer Specification 1.0.0 (DSP0242). It is available for download here. This specification enhances the existing PLDM suite of specifications by providing an ability to discover and transfer files within a PLDM Subsystem. The specification defines messages and data structures to enable this new capability using well known PLDM semantics.  

Some of the new capabilities include:

  • Discovery of files and directories including their metadata using PLDM PDRs and sensors
  • Ability to transfer both regular and serial FIFO file types
  • Both flat (no directories) and hierarchical directory structures are supported

The specification describes the expectations and requirements on PLDM termini that take part in file transfer. Portions of this specification rely on information and definitions from other specifications. Three of these references are particularly relevant and have also been updated:

  • DSP0240 1.2.0— PLDM Base Specification: Provides definitions of common terminology, conventions, and notations used across the different PLDM specifications as well as the general operation of the PLDM protocol and message format
  • DSP0248 1.3.0 — PLDM for Platform and Monitoring & Control: Provides details on file and state sensors, and the file and directory PLDM PDR structures
  • DSP0249 1.2.0 — PLDM State Set Specification: Provides the definition of the new File State Sensor

In addition, PLDM for Redfish Device Enablement (RDE) Specification 1.2.0 (DSP0218) has been released which provides additional feature support. RDE extends the Redfish interface to devices by using PLDM. It enables a management controller to present Redfish-conformant management of I/O adapters in a server, without the need for code specifics to each adapter family/vendor/model.

PLDM is a set of complementary specifications where each one can be used independently or together to provide a more robust systems management capability. These specifications actively help solve end-user concerns in a common, standardized way. For more information about the PMCI Working Group and the platform management standards it defines, please visit