DMTF Developing Next Versions of SMASH and DASH Conformance Test Suites
Posted on Tue, 10/14/2014 - 10:17
The DMTF System Management Forum (SMF) is in the process of developing the next versions of the Conformance Test Suites (CTS) for DMTF’s Desktop and Mobile Architecture for System Hardware (DASH) and Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware (SMASH) standards. DASH 1.0 CTS v2.0.0 and DASH 1.1 CTS v1.0.0 beta versions are currently available to SMF member companies.
DMTF's DASH Initiative is a suite of specifications that takes full advantage of the DMTF’s Web Services for Management (WS-MAN) specification – delivering standards-based Web services management for desktop and mobile client systems. With DASH, DMTF provides the next generation of standards for secure out-of-band and remote management of desktop and mobile systems.
DMTF's SMASH Initiative – which includes WS-MAN – is a suite of specifications that delivers architectural semantics, industry standard protocols and profiles to unify the management of the data center. Through the development of conformance testing programs, SMASH will extend these capabilities by helping deliver additional compatibility in cross-platform servers.
The SMF is planning to publish the test suites early next year. Those interested in receiving early access, approving change requests or attending plug-fests can join SMF to participate. Learn more about SMF and how to join on our website.